
Market-Based Finance and the Business Cycle, by Cera, Kapadia, Rousova, and Weistroffer, NBER Summer Institute, 2024

Sustained Debt Reduction: The Jamaica Exception, by Arslanalp, Eichengreen, and Henry, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2024

The Unintended Consequences of Financial Sanctions, by Keerati, NBER IFM 2023

Bad New Bankers: Underwriter Reputation and Contagion in Pre-1914 Sovereign Debt Markets, by Indarte, AEA 2023

Mortgage Delinquency and Default: A Tale of Two Options, by Hwang, Song, and Van Order, AEA 2022

The Credit Line Channel, by Greenwald, Krainer, and Paul, Central Bank of Ireland Workshop: Borrower Finances, Financial Stability Assessment and Macroprudential Policies, 2021

Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics, by Salomao and Varela, NBER Summer Institute, Asset Pricing, 2019

The Consequences of Student Loan Credit Expansions: Evidence from Three Decades of Default Cycles, by Looney and Yannelis
SFS Cavalcade, 2019 

Foreign Political Risk and Local House Prices: Evidence from the US, by Ari, Puy, and Shi
2nd IMF Annual Macro-Financial Research Conference, 2019

Down in the Slumps: The Role of Credit in Five Decades of Recessions, by Bridges, Jackson, and McGregor
MNB-CEPR-ESRB Macroprudential Conference, 2017